Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Basketball Rebounding

Watching the Ball In the Air

You begin by lining up nine feet from the basket with two players. The offense shoots the ball and the defense must yell once they know where the ball will rebound. The defense needs to predict and then position itself at the proper distance from the basket. Long hard shots rebound farther from the basket than short soft shots. Use words such as short, right, left and center. Regular shots bounce two to four feet from the basket. Shots with bigger bounces wind up four to six feet from the basket. The offense should shoot 12 shots per drill.

Most Important Rebounding Principle

The most important rebounding principle is to play every shot as if it will be missed. Great rebounders make two or three attempts to rebound the ball. A missed shot from the wing or the corner will be rebounded on the side away from where the shot was taken approximately 70 percent of the time. Rebounding is about the desire to get the ball. You can not score without it.

Moving Toward a Rebound

You begin by having two players in the rebound-ready position. The forearms need to be bent up or back all the way. The wrists are bent back with the fingers spread apart. The knees are slightly bent with the legs about shoulder width apart. The players follow their own guess as to where the ball rebound. Players do not have to jump for the rebound. The player in the best position gets the rebound. There is no fighting for the ball. Players stay in the rebound ready position throughout the less on. Repeat this drill six times.

Fronting and Keeping Players Out of the Lane

Begin by having the offense start at the foul line and the defense stands inside the lane facing the offense. Start at medium speed with the offense trying to get past the defense into the lane. The defense blocks the offense with the arms and body. If the offense tries to charge the lane, the defense should push them off with their hands in the upper arm and shoulders of the offense. This drill lasts eight seconds and is to be repeated six times.

Rebound and Grab the Ball

You begin by having the offense hold the ball high over their head. The defense grabs the ball away from the offense, placing emphasis on using the fingertips to grab the ball. Once the defense pulls the ball away from the offense, the defense pivots away from the offense holding the ball overhead in a passing position. Repeat this drill six times.

Learning the Rebound-Ready Position

It is not easy to determine exactly when a rebound will bounce your way. After a rebound, players sometimes scramble on the floor for the ball. Players must be ready to catch or grab the ball instantly. To get into the rebound, ready position your forearms need to be bent up or back all the way. The wrists are bent back with the fingers spread apart. The knees are slightly bent with the legs about shoulder width apart.

Every missed shot is a pass to you!

Perhaps the most important key to being a good rebounder, offensive or defensive, is to assume that every shot will be missed. If you do this, you will always be willing to get in position, ready to be a rebounder.

The Outlet Pass

After you get the rebound, you need to make a good outlet pass. A good rebounder who can outlet the ball to the guard can start a fast break on the way to a score. This is a valuable asset to a team. Get the rebound, pivot away from the defense, and outlet to your guard for the fast break. It is a skill that is not much noticed by anyone but the coach knows how valuable you are.

Hands Up

Always keep your hands up at least shoulder high when getting ready to rebound. This will allow you to be ready for the rebound that comes off the rim quickly and low. Remember this: shot goes up-hands go up!

Want the Ball

Rebounding is a great skill to have as a basketball player. Those players that really WANT the ball and box out become the best rebounders. They take pride in rebounding. Lean back on your man and keep him out of rebounding position. A smaller player can be a good rebounder… make yourself become good at boxing out.

Boxing Out & Rebound

If you are real close to the basket when the shot goes up, you must "box out" and create some space to rebound. To "box out" from your defensive position: go towards your man and make contact. Pivot so you “Put your butt to their gut” and just slide with them, keeping them away from the rebound. When boxing out, keep your man from pushing you in towards the basket, so you can maintain good rebounding position. (If you let them push you under the basket, the rebound will go over your head). Then go get the rebound!

Attitude and Desire

Statistically, over ninety percent of all rebounds are taken below the rim. Therefore, rebounding is a product not of great athletic ability, but attitude and desire.

Make up your mind that you want to rebound, go after each and every one, and master box out techniques, and you can provide your team with a valuable asset--a dependable rebounder.

Watch your position

The key to rebounding is positioning and concentration on the ball. Anticipate the flight of the ball. Remember that most shots rebound to the opposite side of the basket. Next, you need to concentrate on the ball, until it is safely in your hands or rebounded by someone else.

Offensive Rebounding

In order to get an offensive rebound, you must get the inside position on your defender, who is trying to box you out. You must outquick him, or make some kind of move to get that inside position. You can try a jab step and change directions or you can develop a spin move to get to that position.

The "Perfect Rebound"

Most rebounds (90%) are caught below the rim. Try and think out what a perfect rebound is...
The perfect rebound is the one where everyone of your teammates and yourself box out their man so well that the rebound can be easily caught AFTER it has hit the floor.
When one thinks about this "perfect rebound" concept the team blockouts get better and better.

Source from : www.basketball.lifetips.com

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